Sheriff Sale, May 4th, 2022


By virtue of an execution and Levy 20GC3601 issued by General Sessions Court of  Davidson County, Tennessee, I will expose to sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at 10:00 o’clock AM., on the 4th day of  May, 2022, at

Tow Pro

2408 Lloyd Ave.

Nashville, TN


the following, to-wit:

2014 Nissan Sentra

Vin # 3N1AB7AP7EY327319


known as the property of  Johna Young

to satisfy a judgement in favor of Car & Van Rentals LLC DBA Atlas


against Johna Young

This, the 14th day of April , 2022


Deputy Sheriff

Distribution of Sale Notices: (list)

  1. A. Birch Building Bulletin Board

  2. Judgement Creditor or Agent

  3. Judgement Debtor or Agent

  4. Posted at place of sale

  5. Posted in area of levy

DCSO Public Web Site

Sheriff Sale – Property – December 3rd, 2021:




STATE OF TENNESSEE                                       Court Case No. 15-1319-I

County of Davidson                                                  Chancery Court

 Nashville, Tennessee

For the 20th Judicial

District of Tennessee


You are hereby notified that by virtue of a Court Order issued by Chancellor Patricia Head Moskal, Chancery Court, Nashville, Tennessee, I have been ordered to sell, by auction, Martin Maciel Sanchez’s ½  tenant in common interest in real estate located at 5510 Country Drive, #114, Nashville, TN, 37211 (the “Property”), a Certain Condominium Unit in Davidson County, more specifically described as:

Townhouse No. 114, Building No. 20, in a Horizontal Property Regime of Hickory Valley, Phase 2, of record in Plat Book 4460, page 133 (erroneously shown as page 113 on prior deed), Register’s Office for Davidson County, Tennessee, to which plan reference is here made for a more and complete description.

Being the same property conveyed to Martin Maciel Sanchez and wife[1], on May 29, 2009, by Warranty Deed of record as Instrument Number 20090602-0050826, said Register’s Office.


This sale is pursuant to Rule 69, Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure and is in satisfaction (in whole or in part depending on amount of sale) of the judgment balance in the amount of $1,159,998.31 rendered on August 25, 2015, in the case of Iberia Bank v. Maciel Properties, Limited Liability Company a/k/a Maciel Properties, LLC, International Pallet, Inc., Maciel Recovery & Recycling, LLC, Martin Maciel Sanchez, and Irma Maciel, Civil Action No. CV-2015-9000062.00 in the Circuit Court of Shelby County Alabama, which judgment was enrolled as a Foreign Judgment through an Order of Final Judgment in Case No. 15-1319-I in the Chancery Court for Davidson County Tennessee, plus costs. Storey Mountain, LLC, is the current holder of the Judgment, by virtue of an Assignment of Judgment executed on March 24, 2021, between IberiaBank and Storey Mountain, LLC

By order of the Court the sale of Martin Maciel Sanchez’ interest in this Property shall be made subject to all valid liens against the properties, including, but not limited to, the ad valorem taxes to the Davidson County Trustee, and the First Lien Judgment in favor of Brent Goulet, and in bar of any of the Defendant’s rights of redemption, the title vesting in the purchaser to be absolute.

All interest in the Property is sold “as is”.  No warranties or guarantees are made, expressed or implied.

On the ­­­­3rd day of December, 2021, at 9:30 o’clock a.m., as continued by the Court and announced at the original sale date of the 3rd day of November, 2021, at the front door of the Metro Courthouse, One Public Square, Nashville, TN, 37201, I will sell the above properties in satisfaction of said judgment together will all legal costs accruing.

TERMS OF SALE:     Cash, Certified Check, or Credit Terms of six (6) months with six (6) equal monthly installments of the purchase price for the Property to be paid to the Sheriff

The following may be persons interested in this sale: Irma Maciel, Erica S. Gilmore, Metropolitan Trustee, and Brent Goulet.

Daron A. Hall

Sheriff of Davidson County, TN



Deputy Sheriff

Publication Dates:  September 24, 2021, October 1, 2021, & October 8, 2021

Continuance to December 3, 2021 as announced at front door of Metro Courthouse on November 3, 2021

[1] Martin Maciel Sanchez and his wife, Irma Maciel, were divorced on August 12, 2016, which converted their tenants by the entireties interest in the Property to one of tenants in common.

Chancery Court Order

Storey Mountain, LLC -Order Granting Motion to Sell Interest in Property…

Sheriff’s Sale, December 21st 2020



By virtue of an execution and Levy # 17GC5691 issued by General Sessions Court of Davidson County, Tennessee, I will expose to sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at 10:00 o’clock AM., on the 21TH day of December, 2020, at

Tow Pro Wrecker Service

2408 Lloyd Ave

Nashville, Tn.37013

The following, to-wit:

2009 Toyota, CHB (Tan), VIN # 4T1BB46K09U078363

Known as the property of Judy Cunningham

To satisfy a judgement in favor of Jeff Brock

Against Judy Cunningham

This, the 1 day of December, 2020


 Bobby Lillard

Deputy Sheriff


Distribution of Sale Notices: (list)

  1. A Birch Building Bulletin Board
  2. Judgement Creditor or Agent:
  3. Judgement Debtor or Agent:
  4. Posted at place of sale
  5. Posted in area of Levy
  6. DCSO Public Web Site

Sheriff’s Sale, December 8th 2020




By virtue of an execution and Levy #13GC11795 issued by GENERAL SESSIONS of  Davidson County, Tennessee, I will expose to sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at 10:30 o’clock AM., on the 8th day of  December, 2020, at


Hillwood Wrecker Services and Body

324 Balmy Ave.


 the following, to-wit:


2013 Chevrolet Impala LTZ VIN:2G1WC5E34D1169295


known as the property of  Michael Story


to satisfy a judgement in favor of Cunningham Motors


against Michael Story


This, the 17th day of November , 2020

                                                                                           Robert Harris

Deputy Sheriff


Distribution of Sale Notices: (list)

  1. A. Birch Building Bulletin Board
  2. Judgement Creditor or Agent
  3. Judgement Debtor or Agent
  4. Posted at place of sale
  5. Posted in area of levy
  6. DCSO Public Web Site