Inmate Programs


Below is a listing of the various inmate programs that the DCSO provides. For additional information on inmate programs, visit our facility pages.


The Nashville / Davidson County Sheriff’s Office provides State Licensed Alcohol and Drug Treatment to offenders housed at the Correctional Development Center.

The New Avenues program is located at the Correctional Development Center-Male (CDM). It is the oldest of our licensed treatment programs, established in 1990. It is a 45-day program to combat the growing problem of substance abuse within the criminal population. Counselors work one-on-one and in aggressive group therapy to prepare inmates to return to society drug-free. This program puts great emphasis on the Re-Entry process, in hopes of bridging the gap from incarceration to successful transition back into society.

S.A.V.E. (Sheriff’s Anti-Violence Effort) Program


S.A.V.E. is a certificated batterer’s intervention program. The goals of the program are to:

  • Educate clients on how their behavior has affected those around them, how their behavior is harmful, and the lasting impact that the behavior has.
  • Educate clients how to learn from past events and the benefits of changing their behavior.
  • Educate clients on how to identify abusive behavior and learning new/non-harmful ways of expressing emotions and thoughts.
  • Educate clients on about accepting responsibility and accountability for actions

SAVE for the incarcerated offender is six weeks in length and located at CDM. The DRP SAVE program has two available tracks. Track one is 26 weeks in length and track two is 52 weeks length

Integrated Education and Training Program (Adults)

Sheriff Hall is arresting the problem of illiteracy and creating solutions to create productive citizens through education after release. The academic learning centers (CDM, MCC, CDF, DDC, and MSE) at the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office offer Adult Education, Vocation and Post-Secondary Education. The education programs have defined goals and strategies that measure success. Students work on basic to advanced educational programs, such as beginning literacy, English as a Second Language (ESL), High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) program, vocational aptitude testing, Microsoft Office skills, Apprenticeship training and college courses. A diagnostic test is given to determine the level of each learner prior to starting classes. Materials are provided in Spanish and English.

The academic learning centers primary focus is to offer participants who did not complete their traditional high school experience an opportunity to obtain a high school equivalency diploma. The HiSET program is compatible to the current professional development materials used for high school equivalency assessment and covers five core areas:

  • Language Arts – Reading
  • Language Arts – Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies

The current HiSET exam is aligned to and measures the Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE) College and Career Readiness Standards. Classes are open to participants who request referral through their Case Manager’s, instructors and/or community leaders. When they are prepared to take the official HiSET examination, extra sessions are provided. All of the Sheriff’s Education Coordinators are well qualified. Each instructor has a bachelor’s degree and correctional experience.


Education Supervisor:
David Zazworsky

Director of Educational Services:
Sybil Pruitt
615-880-1950 or 01950


Nashville Sheriff’s Education Coordinators:

DDC: Danny Jenkins; HiSET Instructor
615-880-3898 x76350

DDC: Rita Evans; HiSET Instructor
615-880-3898 x76137

DDC: William Bowen; Vocational Instructor
615-880-3898 x28191

MCC/CDF: Nojdar Shemssulldin; HiSET Instructor
615-880-3898 x76350

MSE: Tiffany Manning; HiSET Instructor
615-880-3898 x74717

CDM: Kinya Jamison; HiSET Instructor
615-880-3898 x76465


Metro Nashville Public School System:
Department of Exceptional Education

M Denise Rollins

Annette Campbell
Homebound Services

Work Release

The Educational/Work Release program operated by the Nashville / Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, out of the Offender Re-Entry Center, provides inmates in the program the opportunity to be gainfully employed, or to continue in educational or vocational training. The program is designed to increase community protection by providing offenders with the opportunity to change themselves and those conditions that brought them to jail. Participants will have the opportunity to provide financial aid to their dependents, or to accumulate financial savings for use upon release. Participation in the program will increase awareness of personal responsibilities, and teach self-respect that comes from self-support and personal accomplishments.

The Offender Re-Entry Center provides a setting promoting positive social behavior through mentoring, employment, programs, and counseling. Work Release participants who have demonstrated successful participating while at the Offender Re-Entry Center may qualify for the Day Reporting program. This program allows the inmate to live at home and continue to work in the community. It serves to reduce the jail population.

Target Population

  • Adult offenders sentenced to a least 30 days up to 18 months of an active sentence in the custody of the sheriff.
  • Probation violators
  • DUI first offenses
  • Child support and enforcement violators


To qualify for consideration, an inmate must:

  • Be in the custody of the Nashville / Davidson County Sheriff’s Office.
  • Be within one year of the projected release date, excluding any sentence reduction credits given to felony convictions.
  • Meet all sentencing percentage requirements.
  • Be clear of outstanding warrants, wants, holds, or pending charges.
  • Have documented verifiable employment, or is willing to seek employment within 30 days of approval.
  • Have reliable transportation, if needed, to and from the workplace (inmates are not permitted to drive to/from the Offender Re-Entry Center).

The screening includes a review of the inmate’s criminal history, physical and mental health, substance abuse, employment, and educational history. The majority of inmates in the Work Release are placed at a judge’s recommendation.

To apply, contact Work Release Manager Tomika Hicks, (615) 880-3898 ext. 76343

Outside Work Program

The Offender Re-Entry Center’s Outside Work Program provides offender labor to several agencies including non-profit and Metro Government. The services provided are janitorial, landscaping, minor maintenance, and roadside cleanup, to name a few. These offenders also participate in special events such as set-up for Earth Day, and the Music City Marathon. The program provides an average of 4,500 labor hours weekly to the customer. The following agencies participate in the Outside Work Program:

  • Metropolitan Fire Department
  • Metropolitan Police Department
  • City of Berry Hill
  • City of Lakewood
  • Public Library
  • General Services Motor Pool
  • General Services Fleet Management
  • Sportsplex
  • Metro Parks
  • Metro Public Works
  • The Downtown Partnership
  • Fraternal Order of Police Youth Camp
  • Metro Animal Control


Services are also provided to Nashville / Davidson County Sheriff’s Office facilities including:

  • Maximum Correctional Center
  • Correctional Development Center (Male)
  • DCSO Supply
  • Correctional Services Center
  • Sheriff’s Correctional Complex Maintenance

Education of Juvenile Offenders

The Nashville / Davidson County Sheriff’s Office’s education program for young offenders, provides a full curriculum of classes for bound-over juveniles in the adult jail. Classes, including physical education, are conducted five days a week from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Each juvenile offender receives diagnostic testing upon entering the program to determine his academic level. Offenders can earn a high school diploma, prepare to take the HiSET exam, or increase their own educational levels.

The Sheriff’s juvenile education program has been evaluated by the Metro Board of Education, which provides a teacher for the program, and has been declared a model program for other jurisdictions to follow.

12-Step Programs for Substance Abusers

Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings are offered in all DCSO detention facilities.

Other Inmate Programs

Also offered are classes in parenting skills, wellness and nutrition, decision-making, and health-related issues.